November 01, 2006

Halloween - Not a good time in UK

Hi everyone,

I have just paid my regular visit to Von's blog ( and was delighted with her wonderful photos and stories of how they celebrate Halloween in USA. If only we had the same ethos in UK! In recent times it has unfortunately been hijaked and using as an excuse to terrorise people in their own homes. Sadly, despite the fact it is meant to be a time for children, it is being misinterpreted and parents find it increasingly difficult to teach their children to "never accept sweets from strangers" and "don't ask for money from people" for 364 days of the year, and yet on 31st October, all those sound rules are effectively being ignored. So children get confused and youths, possibly having poor (or no) guidance from parents or being left to roam the streets, are using it to create mischief. I do hate to brand young people as "Yobs" because they are frequently the product of neglect and all they need is some boundaries and guidelines and, of course, LOVE!!!!

Enough of my rant - but go and take a look at the way Von has displayed those photos, they are great!!!

Here are a couple of long-awaited WIP photos:

About a year ago (or possibly longer), I stitched 3 of Michael Powell's Mini Cottages series (and I still have a Lighthouse of his to do in my stash pile). I framed them with some inexpensive wooden frames which I bought in HobbyCraft and now they are proudly hanging as a little group in the hallway so that when I come home, I see them and I do think they are cute. Michael Powell's style is so unique to him, I could recognise one of his pieces a mile off! I desperately want to start stitching his "Secret Garden" kit that I bought last Christmas as I love the way the wrought-iron gate is part opened, with the promise of entering the garden and seeing hidden beauty .... hopefully will get some time in the coming months - but next, I am still aiming for my "Road to a Friend's House" and, of course, the project that Margaret and I have planned for 2007, being the 12 Days of Christmas.


Margaret said...

You MP's are absolutely adorable and what a lovely framing job!!
Your sampler is looking so good and will be a real beauty when all done.
Hugs, Margaret

nela said...

Me gustan tus caudros nuevos,,, felicidades... ayyy tu no me lees,,, shiiii buahhhh
si buscas en mi blog dije algo sobre los 12 dias de margaret...

Von said...

Thanks for linking to my blog, Ali! We do keep the celebration rather low key compared to some who decorate their homes lavishly and dress in costume to hand out candy. The kids have fun and all the children that come to our door have been well chaperoned and extremely polite. It's a delight to see them. :D I'm sorry that's not so in your area.

Love seeing your wip and the three MP designs framed and hanging together on your wall. Have a great day!

Leeland said...

Lovely seed sampler!
Michael Powell's style is definitely unique; and it looks great displayed like that! It sounds like "welcome"...

nela said...

Ali tengo pendiente la piza pues cambie manera de editar blog y tengo problemas ademas no quiere aceptar fotos.. gruuurrrrrr este blog me saca la paciencia...

nela said...

sobre la cortina, te gusta como a mi un cuarto oscurito? si es asi puedes usar un forro de los aluminizado, aghora se consigue un tipo de tella llamada Black-caups no se como se escribe es blanca pero no de color alumno por el fondo no la destrulle el sol es decir rallos uv, y permite que no pase el sol... yo no uso caotinas si no cheys... es como persina pero de tela. es por el minimalisto, ademas mas limpio...
un gran besote... a ver muestrame como vas ha hhacer cortin modelo y tela,
un grannnnnnnnnnnnn besote...

Mel in Dubai said...

I love your Michael Powell's, Ali :)

Being Aussies, Halloween was never something we celebrated until we arrived here. In our gated community the children can only trick or treat between the hours of 6 and 8pm and only in their street. If you are happy for children to approach your house then you leave your porch light on, if not then have it off. Its a good way to do it and it would be nice if there was some way to it could be done like that everywhere :)

Margaret said...

Leaving tomorrow for a short trip to Holland/Germany. DH has to go to Europe on business so we're combining that with a quick visit to DS & DD. Will e-mail when we're back.

laura said...

Ali I love your Michael Powell works. I hope you find the time to stitch the next. Also I'm waiting for your 12 days of xmass progress.

Margaret said...

Hi Alison,
Have you seen this challenge? 'Overdue Books Reading Challenge'
I signed up and thought you might find it interesting too.
Hugs, Margaret

Rowyn said...

Hi Ali :0)

I've finally located a copy of JCS Xmas Ornaments. Can you please let me know if you'd still like a copy, and if so I'll get it asap.

My email is


nela said...

Ali estas bien? tengo dias que no se de ti....

Felicity said...

It's a while since you posted? all's well?

Kitty Couture said...

Dear Ali, it's been such a long time... you've been in my thoughts. I hope you are well. (((hugs))) and love from across the pond!

nela said...

Ali... estas bien tengo dias que no se deti... he lamado 2 veces a tu casa.. no se si se grabo el mensaje...bueno era para desearte un bello año 2007... besos

Kitty Couture said...

Dear Ali, I'm getting really worried about you... Thinking of you... (((Hugs)))

Felicity said...

I'm also getting worried. You are in my thoughts and prayers.